Lord Agwe
Agwé – King of the Sea; Shell of the Sea; Tadpole of the Sea Agwé, King of the Sea, commands a beautiful ship named Immamou and is married to the alluring mermaid, La Siréne. Agwé is a military spirit, a stickler for protocol and procedure. Salute him. Don’t be too informal with him. Call him Lord Agwé or Admiral Agwé or, at the minimum, Sir. • Lord Agwé protects seafarers. • He bestows wealth, abundance, and prosperity. • Anything lost at sea or resting on the ocean floor is his to give (or not). • He is a martial spirit, an admiral who leads the lwa and devotees to victory at sea. • Agwé receives ultimate credit for chasing off European colonials following the Haitian Revolution: they fled by sea, where Admiral Agwé drove them. • Lord Agwé serves as a psychopomp, leading dead souls to Ginen, the Vodou realm of the dead, which is beneath the sea.